A certain branch Pastor of a Church said to my wife that she should bear in mind that there is a blessing and grace of God that she enjoys that is associated with being a member of that branch Church he pastors. That if she leaves the church that she’ll no longer enjoy that grace of God. He said that the blessing and grace will leave her because she has left the spiritual covering.
How many of you have heard of and experienced such threats in the guise of spirituality?
It often comes in different forms.
Some would even tell you to go and ask of people who leave their Church, that they don’t end up well in life and so on, just to manipulate ignorant and gullible people.
Same old scheme devoid of anything biblical!
A ploy targeted at enslaving the simple and gullible Believer!
A man crafted theology to threaten and beguile God’s people!
Have you ever heard certain persons tell you that you need a spiritual covering?
And you know they’re not referring to God but referring to themselves or another man.
Have you ever asked yourself where in the Scriptures is there a mention of needing spiritual covering from another man or system?
If it’s such an important issue in the Kingdom of God at least the Lord Jesus would have addressed it and there would have been a record in the Gospel accounts for our observance.
If it were an instruction from God at least it would have been practiced by the early Church and documented for our reference.
If it were such a burden from the heart of God to the Church, at least the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ would have written of it and instructed the Believers concerning it in their several epistles to the Churches.
Why are we so loud in our generation over things that the bible is completely silent about?
Why are we such a men conscious generation rather than a God conscious generation of believers?
Like Peter and the other apostles would say “We ought to obey God rather than men” (see Acts 5:29).
It’s really long overdue that Children of God will remain in the dark, ignorantly obeying men rather than obeying God.
There are very funny unscriptural things and practices going around Church communities today, something you can never see in the early Church throughout the New Testament.
God’s people are now forming clicks and cults in the name of being under choice men who have assumed the status of “spiritual covers” over God’s people. The people under some of these “spiritual covers” have been taught not to associate with other believers who are not part of their Church group or affliliate ministries. They’ve also encouraged their members not to listen to messages or teachings from other men of God apart from that of their spiritual cover.
They propose that their intention is to protect the people under their covering, so they don’t even encourage God’s people to read their bibles for themselves because they want them to hear only what they teach them as ones who have assumed monopoly of perfection devoid of errors.
All in a bit to gaining full supremacy over the lives of God’s people, the people of God under their leadership must never make a life decision without getting express approval from them, even at the detriment of a Divine instruction from God directly to the believer.
The Holy Spirit has subtly been relegated to the backyard and men have assumed the status of the Holy Spirit in the life of God’s people.
If a believer for any reason leaves their Church or ministry the believer is painted evil, and castigated with all manner of unthinkable words. As a matter of fact the believer for them has missed it in life because such is not under their spiritual covering.
They are often very quick to tag people rebellious and declare God’s people outcasts at the slightest provocation.
Those who are their protégés if allowed to preach must preach their own handwritten sermons, thoughts or ideologies even at the detriment of what the Holy Spirit wants to communicate through that believer.
Friends, I’ve seen all manner of funny theories without any sound biblical footing with which people have defined spiritual covering.
A certain fellow said that it is a mantle of God’s grace, presence, power, authority, glory and protection that comes upon people when they become planted in a ministry…
Then you keep asking yourself where in God’s name did the bible teach these funny things.
I know of a certain Pastor who is very strong on spiritual covering, who said to God’s people in a bible study group that their job is not to search the scriptures, that their job is to go bring in more people (souls) while he does the teaching.
I was shocked to my bone at that hight of insecurity, all in a bit to lord over God’s people subtly.
You see, the New Testament scriptures are laced with instructions that are clearly repugnant to these alien practices purported amongst certain Churches and Church Leaders in our generation.
Well, to bring a balanced perspective to this subject, it’s important to note that there are true fathers in the faith today who uphold the doctrine of spiritual covering, but with sincere motives and really not with intentions to subjugate or enslave God’s people. They might not know any better but their motives are truely born out of love for God’s people. However, such motives stem from the private meaning they have attributed to the term spiritual covering which is not actually in the frame and nature as propagated and paraded by the other fellows who thoroughly practice the doctrine in its true sense.
So we must acknowledge such genuine fathers and give them their honour regardless.
I’m a strong advocate of giving honour to genuine fathers and mothers in the Lord inspite of their theology or understanding.
So, that should not be jeopardised at all.
However, as we journey through this article you’ll clearly identify what this doctrine of spiritual covering truly represents from it’s origin and then the clear position of scriptures as touching it.
I believe in the adent adherence to sound biblically verifiable truths with a multiplicity of scriptures interpreting themselves, alongside the strict observance of hermeneutical principles, rather than man-made erroneous theologies based on private interpretations and experiential convictions devoid of biblical truths.
Most erroneous cultures practiced today in the Christian community are often purported by people who are not given to history or critical studies, but people who simply operate beliefs inherited by their mentors and spiritual leaders.
So some of them also grow up becoming leaders themselves who pass on same ideologies to their protégés. Then where due diligence is not observed with the latter, the succession continues.
Over the years I’ve always been passionate about contributing to the growth and maturity of the body of believers within my reach, according to the measure of grace accorded me by God, to biblically address several subjects bothering on the Kingdom of God, Life and Godliness generically. This has necessitated the numerous articles I’ve published virtually over several years and counting. But in recent times the burden to write on this subject came so strong and wouldn’t just go.
So I’m prompted intensely to make this public and perhaps redirect a few persons who care to the position of scriptures, and get believers exposed to truth that makes for freedom right from God’s Word.
Now, hitting the nail right on the head; There’s not a single biblical basis for the cultural practice of Man as “Spiritual Covering” over believers like we have prevalently in this 21st century. Not one! Not one!
And it will interest you to see the position of scriptures as clearly diametrically opposed to the sorry state of enslavement, and mental captivity that certain Church leaders have gotten believers of the Lord Jesus Christ into.
Friends, it’s important in these last days that we take God’s Word seriously, and really place every doctrine taught under the intense scrutiny of Scriptures like the berean believers, who wouldn’t care if it were Silas or Paul the Apostle who taught them, but would go back home to search the scriptures daily to see if what he taught was according to the truth of God’s Word as captured in scriptures.
The Believers did not just receive Paul’s teachings with eagerness, the Bible says they also searched/examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true (see Acts 17:11).
Any doctrine that has no bearing and foundation in sound scriptural truths of God’s Word must be discarded as toxic, as it inhibits the growth and full expression of believers in Christ.
One of such doctrines is the doctrine of a Man as Spiritual Covering over another believer or over a group of believers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You can’t see any where in the New Testament where this was either preached, taught or practiced by the Church.
Let me reiterate that if it were such an important subject for the Church, at least Paul the Apostle would have written on it in one of His Epistles to the Churches. Peter, James and John would have at least also preached and practiced it and perhaps scribbled it down as a doctrine to be followed by the early Church.
This doctrine of Man as Spiritual Covering over believers in Christ is completely alien to the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the Early Church.
Let me give you a bit of the history of this doctrine so you know at what point it was introduced into the Christian community.
You see, the ideology of spiritual covering stems from a certain historical movement called the Shepherding Movement postulated by 5 famous Christian Leaders also known as Ft. Lauderdale Five in the 70s, shortly after the emergence of the Charismatic Movement of the 1960s. It was a movement developed within the Charismatic Movement.
This movement also had about the largest influence over the Charismatic Renewal in the 70’s and 80’s historically.
I’ve personally handled a series of teachings and read a content of the material of one of the pioneers of that Movement.
I can say for a fact that they were sincere and genuine men of God, who in an attempt to solve certain problems in their days delved into extrabiblical practices and teachings for a long time. However, they eventually went their separate ways due to the controversy after a few of them openly denounced such teachings. As a matter of fact one of the pioneers by the name Derek Prince withdrew himself totally from the teachings and practices in 1983 historically, he stated as documented “we were guilty of the Galatian error: having begun in the Spirit, we quickly degenerated into the flesh.”
Another Pioneer of the movement in the person of Bob Mumford publicly issued a “Formal Repentance Statement to the Body of Christ”. This was done in 1989 and as recorded historically he said, “I repent. I ask forgiveness.” and he gave a lengthy public apology for these extrabiblical teachings and practices they pioneered with their influence.
Notwithstanding, the impact of these extrabiblical practices and doctrines postulated by the Shepherding Movement had widely spread, impacted and influenced most believers under the Charismatic Movement in the 70’s and early 80’s.
Hence we have sincere fathers today who have been cultured by the ideologies of the Shepherding Movement long before it was denounced by some of it’s pioneers, who had chosen to repent, quiting the peddled errors and began to follow sound scriptural truth of God’s Word in practice.
Yet, the havoc is already wide spread.
We have general overseers, big ministry pioneers and Church leaders in the 21st century who are still peddling the erroneous teaching and practice of Spiritual Covering and the likes, that even the pioneers had publicly repented from asking for forgiveness for peddling unscriptural practices across the body of Christ.
You see, we’ll always repeat the fiasco of history when we don’t take out time to question things and study their roots historically, and above all studying to show ourselves approved unto God.
That’s the sorry state that were in currently.
However, Christ is still building His Church and certain unfitting things will yet be demolished by the Lord in cause of His construction.
Our sure hope is that the Master builder is still at work.
Firstly, let’s get certain scriptural truths clearly established.
The only place scripturally in the New Testament that there was ever a mention of covering, was in the context of a woman who prays or prophesies without her head covered or a man who worships with his head covered (see 1 Cor 11:4-13).
And if you are a good bible scholar you would have known already that Paul the Apostle spoke under the premise of the Greco-Roman Jewish culture of that time.
The scriptural context for this covering is also very clear and needs no further private interpretations.
Now having established this truth, one area the Shepherding Movement took out of biblical context is the subject of Submission.
The Movement proposed that submission to a Shepherd (Christain Leader) provided spiritual covering for Believers (their followers) by being in right relationship with God’s delegated authority in the church.
The doctrine also claims that Christians must be under the authority of a church leader or mother organization that they call “spiritual covering” inother for the Christian to act with authority, be protected from the attacks of the devil, or even receive God’s blessings.
Now, before the pioneers of this movement denounced these teachings as unbiblical which is truly unbiblical, submission was indeed the bases for a man to assume the status of a spiritual cover for another believer in Christ according to their denounced doctrine.
Now, is submission to one another a biblical teaching?
The answer is YES!
Is man as spiritual covering to another believer a biblical teaching?
The answer is NO!
We’ll all let the scripture as inspired by the Holy Ghost Himself, speak for itself.
Now, concerning Submission without any preconceived notion or assumptions, let us see what the scripture reveals clearly and broadly on this subject.
1. The scripture speaks of submission to God and the Church to Christ (see Job 22:21, James 4:7, Psalms 66:3, Chronicles 30:8, Heb 12:9, Ephesians 5:24)
2. The scripture speaks of submission to human authority (government) in the secular world (see 1 Peter 2:13, Romans 13:1, 5)
3. The scripture speaks of submission of slaves to their earthly masters (see 1 Peter 2:18).
4. The scripture speaks of submission to Christian leaders (see Heb 13:17)
5. The scripture speaks of younger people submitting to elders (see 1 Peter 5:5).
6. The scripture also adds that everyone both younger and elderly should be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility (see 1 Peter 5:5).
7. The scripture speaks of all believers submitting themselves to one another in the fear of God (see Eph 5:21).
8. The scripture speaks of submission to everyone who serve with great devotion in the work and labours of ministry that benefit the saints (see 1 Cor 16:16).
9. The scripture speaks of wives submitting to their own husbands (see Ephesians 5:22, 24, 1 Peter 3:1, Colossians 3:18)
10. The scripture speaks of demons submitting to believers (see Luke 10:17)
This list might not be exhaustive but it is comprehensive enough.
Submission is simply the act of either accepting or yielding to the will or authority of another.
It can also be seen as accepting or yielding to a superior force.
And from our scripturally comprehensive list on submission as established with scriptural references, it is clear that when it has to do with the body of believers, the scripture reveals that submission is mutual and to be done in humility by both the younger and the elderly, and it also never at any point stated or indicated a man as spiritual covering over other believers by reason of submission.
I hope you get it clearly now?
Submission as it pertains to the body of believers is mutual as seen in the reference scriptures above, however the scripture also emphasises the importance of obeying and submitting to elders or Christian Leaders by those under their authority or leadership, and the scripture also gives us a clear reason for this.
Let’s have a clear look at that.
Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.
Heb 13:17 NIV
The scripture is so clear about the reason for this submission to Christian or spiritual leaders.
It says it is because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account to God. It says you need to obey your leaders and be submitted to them so that they may do their work with joy and not as a burden, as that way it is beneficial to you.
This is how a more contemporary version puts it:
Obey your leaders and do what they say. They are watching over you, and they must answer to God. So don’t make them sad as they do their work. Make them happy. Otherwise, they won’t be able to help you at all.
Hebrews 13:17 (Contemporary English Version)
You see, that is the clear scriptural reason for this admonition to submit to Christian leaders.
Now recall the scripture says they are watching over you as leaders who must give an account to God, and that you shouldn’t make them sad as they do their work.
Now let’s see from scriptures what the bible clearly means by this work of watching over you as elders or leaders.
Again let’s allow the scriptures speak clearly for itself:
And now, a word to you who are elders in the churches. I, too, am an elder and a witness to the sufferings of Christ. And I, too, will share in his glory when he is revealed to the whole world. As a fellow elder, I appeal to you: Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor.
1 Peter 5:1-4 NIV
We can see here again the context of stewardship and accountability to God in the clear sense of caring for those entrusted to the elders or spiritual leaders.
He said: “Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly”.
Did you see that?
Paul the Apostle added that they should watch over them willingly and not for any personal gain.
The scripture goes further to expatiate on the right attitude to this work of service, saying that the elders must not lord over God’s people assigned to their care but must lead by their own good example.
Did you see that?
We can all see that the scriptures are giving us clear details without any confusion or complexities as to the work of elders or spiritual leaders.
Let’s see another scripture that further affirms to this work done over believers by elders or spiritual leaders.
Again letting the scripture speak for itself:
Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 NIV
We can see again here by a third scriptural reference that the exact work of watching over other believers by the elders or spiritual leaders is in the exact context of caring for the believers entrusted to their care and rendering admonishment or spiritual guidance.
This is the reason Paul the Apostle said such unique elders/spiritual leaders are worthy of double honour (i.e. financial support).
Elders who do their work well should be respected and paid well, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching.
1 Timothy 5:7 NIV
You see here, that the work of the elders/spiritual leaders in caring for the flock and admonishment is further expounded in their hard work of both preaching and teaching.
We can see clearly from these multiplicity of scriptures that there is never a mention anywhere of spiritual covering as the work of elders or spiritual leaders to other believers in Christ Jesus.
But the bible clearly mentions spiritual guidance as the work of elders or spiritual leaders.
Again let us see this clearly from scriptures:
Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 NLT
Did you see that clearly in your bible?
May God’s Word remain true and every man and man initiated ideology a liar.
The work of Christian leaders is scripturally to render spiritual guidance and not to provide spiritual covering for the Church of Jesus Christ.
If at all such terminology is to be adopted and scrutinised by scriptures, the only one qualified for such a status over the Church which is Christ’s Body, would be Christ himself who is the head over His body.
And the only exceptional case in which that may be adopted or applicable would be strictly within the corridors of marriage. For the Holy Scriptures reveal clearly that the union between a Husband and His wife in the context of marriage, is a spiritual parallel of Christ and the Church (his Bride) (see Ephesians 5:22-23).
No mortal is married to the Bride of Christ, No Christian leader living or dead is head over the body of Christ, there is only one head of the body of Christ, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
As a matter of fact the bible says God gave him to be head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. Ephesians 1:22-23
So if anyone must be the spiritual covering for the Church that person must be the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
You can’t find any where in scriptures that the early Church taught that Christian leaders can provide spiritual covering for the body of Christ. Because such terminologies and ideologies where never instructed by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The covering of a man is an exclusive reserve of the Lord.
That’s God’s domain.
Let me show this to you from scriptures:
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1 KJV
The word “secret place” as used in this verse, in the Hebrew is the word “be·se·ter” and it means; covering, to cover, hiding place.
The word “shadow” in this verse is the Hebrew word “be·tzel” and it means defense or protection.
So the literal rendering of the scripture implies that He who dwells in/under the covering of the Most High shall abide under the defense or protection of the Almighty.
Can you see that now?
Anything such as the terminology of spiritual covering if at all it’s to be adopted and scrutinised by scriptures, it is strictly to be domiciled in the domain of God.
It is strictly God who provides covering and protection for man.
Christian Leaders, please we should all know our boundaries!
Even if you humanly coin a sense in which a man can provide protection for another man, people or city in the sense of guarding, the bible still says;
Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.
Psalms 127:1 NLT
That’s scriptures speaking for itself.
It is strictly God who provides covering and protection for man.
Again let God’s Word be true and all man initiated, aged long anti-biblical ideologies be liars.
I’ve got so much more to share on this subject, but I’ll stop here for now and perhaps write another article if need be.
However, I believe the point is clear.
The shared scriptural truths are clear enough from the expounding of scriptures without any iota of confusion or complexities, that God’s people may clearly understand why exactly they’re to submit to Christian leaders scripturally, and not to be threatened, beguiled or deceived otherwise, and also for Christian Leaders to know exactly what their scripturally assigned work is to God’s people under their leadership, and not to think so highly of themselves but to serve the purposes of Christ.
In conclusion, the bible teaches mutual submission to be expressed in humility one to another, the bible also teaches submission to leaders in authority, and for the Christian leaders the bible teaches servant leadership.
I’m hopeful that this article brought you some light.
May God continue to keep us all in the path of truth.
God bless you.
Much Luv