Ministry Beyond The Walls
I learnt early in life that the structure of the Kingdom of God is not predicated on the bias of denomination which has greatly initiated division in the Church (the Body of Christ) today.
Our true triumph in the Kingdom is on the strength of our synergy.
Hence Paul the Apostle rebuked the Corinthian believers in his days saying; that all should be of one mind, united in thoughts and purpose, rather than being divided as some said they were followers of Paul, others saying they were followers of Apollos as well as those who said they were followers of Peter (See 1 Cor 1:10-13).
I learnt early that the attainment of significant growth, and true Maturity corporately within the body of Christ is in accordance to how the Church and all of its various parts (individual members of the Body of Christ) are joined and knitted firmly together by what every joint supplies (See Eph 4:16).
This is the reason I don’t think denomination when I think the Kingdom.
I get connected to any healthy supplying joint across the body of Christ irrespective of denomination.
I am not a member of Dominion City, but Dr David Ogbueli is one Kingdom Frontier I hold in high esteem, and His nature of ministry has inspired me in no small measure.
The culminated point of my visit to London was perfected when God granted me favour, and access to this Territorial Kingdom influencer in the person of Dr David Ogbueli, and getting to hand over his copy of my book (Ministry Beyond The Walls) to him with my autograph on it was a great deal of accomplishment.
Oh! not to talk of the impartation, as He was also prompted to lay hands on me and minister – conferring grace!
I was truly blessed this weekend in London.
I return all Glory to God! Forever so!!!
Thank you for your prayers and good wishes!…They paid off, big time!
God bless you!
PS: Ministry Beyond The Walls (An Expository Book on Ministry) is available on Amazon and you can get yours via the link below: